Monday 31 July 2023

Metcalf Overview of Indicator of Social Status

The passage discusses the positive functions of jewelry as a form of decoration, both in historical pre-literature cultures and contemporary Western societies. Jewelry serves to provide color, visual accents, and texture while directing attention to specific body parts. It also plays a crucial role in beautifying individuals, enhancing self-image, and shaping social perceptions. Additionally, jewelry holds coded meanings, marking social identity and status, differentiating or uniting wearers with specific social groups. Most important subtext of jewelry is to mark social identity and status. Adornment has always been used to distinguish or merge the wearer with social groupings. Coded information that societies evolve for jewelry can be employed to make the wearer different. Overall, it is seen as a powerful cultural artifact with significant symbolism and communication in various contexts.

Indicator of Status for an Indian bride
The image illustrates how a Hindu bride signifies her marital status through traditional elements: the mangalsutra (wedding chain) is placed by the groom during the wedding ceremony and the sindoor (dot on the forehead and line on the upper forehead), symbolizing her as a married woman. These adornments are meant to be worn until the day of the husband's death, signifying their importance and significance in Hindu marital customs.

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