

Wednesday 15 November 2023

5.Research Methodology

 My initial plan involved creating a jhumka design on paper and then transferring it to CAD (Rhino 5). The goal was to incorporate the mehndi design seamlessly, so I opted to design directly on Rhino 5 for clarity. After finalizing the design, I proceeded to create a prototype using the printed Rhino 5 design. This allowed for a clear visualization of the design with the metal. The design was affixed to the metal, and I began piercing the pattern onto a brass plate as a prototype.

To enhance the precision of the piercing, especially for smaller shapes, I used an optivisor for a crisper look. Subsequently, I added color to the design, considering contrasting colors and their visual impact on the jhumka. While working on the prototype and involving a setter for stone placement, I received feedback that the stones might not set properly due to insufficient metal space. To address this, beeswax was used to ensure better stone placement on the plate.

Adjustments were made, and the stones were successfully set. The takeaway from this process was the need for improved metal spacing, prompting a revisit to the design. Additionally, ensuring accurate stone sizes and simplifying the color choice would facilitate a quicker and smoother setting process for the future. UAI

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