

Tuesday 21 November 2023

5. Research Methodology :2


The research methodology I would be working towards is qualitative and action research.
I plan to create Mehndi shapes and designs and then incorporate the design into Jhumka earrings. The next step would involve making the jewelry with more fluidity and curvy lines. The process for creating the jewelry would involve CAD (Computer-Aided Design on Rhino 5), piercings, and wax pieces.
Afterward, I would observe how the jewelry looks as part of the body of work. The links need to establish a stronger connection to the pearl within the piece. After observing the reflection, the shapes need to be more integrated. I need to figure out how to merge the links into the pieces, with the designing aimed at modernizing the Mehndi design look.
To modernize the materials and incorporate the idea of adding color, I plan to work with glass paint and nail polish. The goal is to achieve a lighter piece of jewelry, with the lines and texture being more modernized. As a designer, I need to think and act in consideration of both the old and the new. UAI

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