Friday 28 July 2023

PlatAfrica 2023 Client

Madison (26)

This is Madison. The client I chose to work with for the 2023 PlatAfrica Competition. the reason behind my choice my client, Madison, once expressed her concern about the escalating deforestation rate and loss of natural habitats, recognizing their profound impact on the planet. She stressed the significance of individuals taking responsibility for their actions, even if it's just a small step towards positive change. 

twisted branch 
Inspired by the curvy branch, my advanced concept blends lotus petals and paisley designs with a twist to embody this year's theme of emergence in the competition. It also contrasts with the design hook of Modern nouveau, more specifically the wave formation.


The daisy embodies Madison's concept of viewing nature as a whole and recognizing its significance in shaping our actions toward the environment. Rather than appreciating the gifts around us, humans often treat them negatively. The vibrant colors of the daisy make it visually appealing, and that's precisely why I selected it as a motif. Its brightness captivates the eye, serving as a reminder of the beauty we should cherish and protect, encouraging a more appreciative and responsible attitude towards nature.


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