Saturday 10 June 2023

Paisley Pattern: Prototype process


Paisley and spirals made out copper 

The spirals and paisley pattern making process is beginning where the trail and errors are happening of trying to maintain the similarities for the paisley pattern and spirals.

Combining spirals to the paisley pattern

The process of having to combine the spirals to the paisley pattern to create the mendhi pattern look. Beginning to see that the paisley pattern needs more work and the spirals are beginning to keep the same look for each one but need to be in different size ranges. The thickness for both the spirals and paisley needs to be more thinner as the thick wire is not allowing the design outline look appeasing much. 
Manufacturing process 

The making process included 3 pliers which were the flat, double round and chain nose pliers for the spirals. Firstly anneal the wire, then use the double round pliers to get the beginning start of the spiral, hand movement is very important and then continue with the spiral twisting using the flat pliers, you may use the chain nose to flatten the spiral if it begins to move out of shape. This youtube video helped guide me:how to make spirals
For the paisley pattern I used the half round pliers and chain nose pliers to create the shape. 

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