Thursday 18 May 2023

Spiritual Mediation Draft


The topics to be discussed about spiritual mediation are historical and contemporary amulets for diverse cultures. The historical amulets to be discussed on the Egyptian, Asian (Japanese), European (Greek) and Indian (Buddhism). The Contemporary aspect will be on the Indian (Hinduism), Christian (Catholic), African (Shembe) and Indian (Muslim).  

Spiritual Mediation

 "According to the information that was obtained, jewelry is connected with the intangible and numinous. Amulets and talismans offer magical power and protection to the wearer and are often made portable. The jewelry object is a condensed symbol for an entire cosmology, summarizing the relationship between God and person. It is a reminder of faith and the promise of security and salvation", according to Bruce Metcalf. 

Introduction to Historical Amulets 

Amulets can repel bad energy, whereas talismans are manufactured items. The historical amulets to be discussed on the Egyptian, Asian (Japanese), European (Greek) and Indian (Buddhism). 

Ancient Egyptian


  • Omamori is a pouch that is carried with the individual to protect and is believed to ward off bad luck and gain good luck  


  • The amulet was believed to have magical properties and acted as a spell to protect against evil, while in early Christian times it was used as a secret code to identify each other.  


Thai Buddha Amulet

Introduction to Contemporary Amulets

The Contemporary aspect will be on the Indian (Hinduism), Christian (Catholic), African (Shembe) and Indian (Muslim).  


Mangalsutra Bracelet 



  • Their amulet is the Ayat UL Kusi as they find wearing an amulet is disrespect towards their God for not believing the God will bless them. 


  • Photo of Shembe, there are 5 now as it is seen that when one passes another is elected to represent the Shembe. 
  • He is seen protecting them.  



The Historical and contemporary amulets appearances and meanings are seen to modernize as the years go by as seen the generational growing of today's world. 

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